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SuccessfulSecureEfficientTrustworthyLow-Cost NFT's

Being early in good projects is key to successful crypto investments. Balena Capital leverages the advantages of blockchain technology, offering crowdfunding opportunities for select projects to their community.

Our NFT series is started to provide a more streamlined way for our exclusive Pod members to participate in early raises.  The goals are for us to open all information to our full community and not segregate information based on our Pod or Cryptic thinkers group. 

The NFT series will help secure early allocations into products like we’ve done before, bringing information to all rather than seperate groups as well as allowing for the automation required to enter, claim and pay for raises which make for a streamlined and transparent approach to investing.

Tier System and Investment Rewards

Our NFT Plans

Balena whales are an NFT membership card that operates on a two tiered system, Humpbacks and Orcas. Both hold massive utility and are unique to their minting order/number.

Tier 1
Humpback Whales

This tier is limited to 150 tokens.

HUMPBACKS are the key to all Balena private raises, a reward for our original and most loyal members. They will serve as the highest tier in all future raises and offer guaranteed allocation to holders.

Tier 2

This tier is limited to 1000 tokens.

ORCAS constitute the backbone of the Balena Capital Pod, acting as the standard private raise entry ticket and making up the majority of the Balena community. All Orcas will be entered into the draw to win our incredibly valuable giveaways.

Other Benefits of the NFT Program include...

  • Increased Security
  • Allow Automation
  • Seamless token Allocation and Collection
  • Improved Raise Structure
  • Larger Raise Participation
  • Larger potential rewards

More Info on our NFT’s to Come Shortly…